How to Register as a New Member?
Log on to link
Click on "Register" button available on
bottom-right corner of Login frame. Register
Fill in necessary your company
details, select a Member User name, Member Password and register as a Buyer.
Email will be sent to you on your
mail account which you provided in registration details.
Click on the link provided in your
email to activate your account.
For Best performance use internet
explorer 6.0 or above browsers. Bidders using Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome
or Netscape may face problem so internet explorer 6.0 or above versions are
How to Bid as a Member?
- Type in your User name, Password and
then click on "Login" button.
- After Login, Bidder Agreement page will
appear. Click on " I Agree" button. The page will redirected to bidders
- On Bidder's homepage you will see ongoing Tender. bidder can go to bidding page by clicking on submit bid option in grid or he can as
follow path : click On "eTender" from Menu and Click on "View & Submit Tender".
- Or Bidder can click On "eTender" from Menu and Click on "View & Submit Tender" to go on bidding page.
On Bidding page, Bidder can see all details of that particular etender such as - Id , Description and Composition of Material in upper box.
Below that the actual bidding box is given , where bidder can select proper options and submit it by clicking on "Submit Bid" button.